IS-BAO Audit Service - High Level of Safety
The International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) was introduced by the International Business Aviation Council, LTD (IBAC), in 2003. IS-BAO was developed by the industry for the benefit of the industry. It is a code of best practices designed to help flight departments worldwide achieve a high level of safety and professionalism.
Agent For Service Provides:
IS-BAO Audit
SMS Gap Analysis
IS-BAO Audit: What's Required and Why?
The IS-BAO Audit includes SMS requirements, organization and personnel, standard operating procedures, training programs, flight operations, operations in international airspace, aircraft equipment requirements, aircraft maintenance requirements, company operations manual, emergency response plan, environmental management, occupational health and safety, transportation of dangerous goods, and security.
In summary, since 2010, all operations in ICAO member countries must demonstrate an compliant SMS, Operations Manual, and Fatigue Management System. We are experts in ensuring your compliance. A successful IS-BAO audit by an accredited auditor provides an operator the documentation to prove conformity and Operate at the highest standards recognized by all ICAO members.
Many departments find themselves re-writing their Operations Manuals (this sometimes requires a consultant or other resources) to be IS-BAO conforming. The standards are not a mystery and are clearly defined but we provide expertise in ensuring the standards are clearly and effectively documented in your Manual System. If you are a newly forming department, we are able to provide IS-BAO Complaint manuals and help you adjust them to fit your organization.
A GAP Analysis is an excellent and formally recognized service we provide that will give you a full spectrum report of what items are currently complaint with standards and any items that need to be addressed to successfully meet the Audit Standards.
The final task is to arrange an audit. Your departments IS-BAO audit should not be an intimidating or confusing process. We are experts in ensuring you are successful with Stage I, II, or III requirements.
Learn more about IS-BAO from this site.